Five good reasons to go to Colombia

Wondering why you would want to visit Colombia? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and we agree. So we’ve made a three-minute video to show you five good reasons to visit Colombia

But if you can’t watch the video, keep reading

Colombia is a new country which people outside it don’t know much about, but it’s becoming increasingly fashionable. Magazines like Vogue (read article here), celebrities like former Miss France Laury Thilleman and French tourism industry publication Tour Hebdo all see the country as one of the most beautiful in South America. So, is it true? Here’s what we think

Five good reasons to go to Colombia

Raison No. 1: Coffee and the coffee region

Colombia is famous for the quality of its coffee and it’s often said to be the “best in the world”. Colombian coffee is gentle and sophisticated with an extraordinary intense aroma and “CafĂ© de Colombia” has been a European Union Protected Geographical Indication since 2007. While you’re in the country, you’re sure to drink some fantastic coffee.

pourquoi aller en Colombie? salento


But that’s not all! Coffee is a cornerstone of Colombian culture and more than 11 of the country’s regions are producers. It’s grown on endless hillsides that stretch out as far as the eye can see and are dotted with picturesque, colourful little villages. These landscapes are magnificent and unspoilt. Indeed, in 2011, UNESCO added the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia to its World Heritage List. We can assure you that the region is fantastically exotic. And, as they say in Colombia: “TomĂ©monos un tinto, seamos amigos” (Let’s have a coffee and be friends).

Raison No. 2: Idyllic beaches

Colombia lies at the north of South America and is bordered by the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. The country has over 3000 km of coastline stretching out under the tropical sun with turquoise seas and tens of white sand beaches. Reason two to go to Colombia involves a little detour to one of these beautiful beaches: the Rosario or San Bernardo Islands, the islands of San AndrĂ©s and Providencia, Tayrona National Park, NuquĂ­, BahĂ­a Solano, La Guajira and more
 Imagine a tropical paradise: the image in your mind’s eye is just what Colombia looks like!

pourquoi aller en colombie, plages

Raison No. 3: Cartagena

This old fortified city played a key role in Spanish Empire administration and the slave trade. Today, Cartagena is one of the most beautiful cities in the Caribbean and is often called “the pearl of the Caribbean” or, by the locals, “the Fantastic”. This melting pot of history, culture and charm with gorgeous beaches nearby is a must-visit part of Colombia. What’s more, sheltered by the continent, it is rarely reached by hurricanes and its 25°C to 30°C temperatures are just perfect.

pourquoi aller en colombie, carthagene

Raison No. 4: Exotic fruit

To make you even keener to visit Colombia, we’re going to talk about fruit. Although you’ll have already tried certain exotic fruits, we’re sure you won’t find such a huge variety anywhere else. In Colombia, you won’t only see new things, but can treat your taste buds to new aromas, tastes and flavours. We’ll go into more detail about all these fruits in a future article, but for now we’ll just give you an idea of the long list: guanábana, níspero, borojó, pitahaya, tomate de árbol, granadilla, maracuyá, mangostino, corozo, curuba, carambolo, freijoa, lulo, uchuva and zapote, plus traditional exotic fruit like bananas, pineapples, mangos, papayas, guavas and passion fruit.

Pourquoi aller en Colombie, fruits exotiques

Raison No. 5: The Colombians

The Colombians themselves have got to be the biggest reason to visit Colombia. The first thing you’ll notice when you arrive in the country is how kind the locals are. They’ll welcome you like a friend and you’ll love their hospitality and helpful attitude. They are smiley, endearing and keen to prove that their bad reputation isn’t justified: their zest for life is contagious. They’ll make you feel so at home wherever you go that you won’t want to leave!

Pourquoi aller en Colombie. Les colombiens


Now you know why to go to Colombia, do you want to visit the country?Admit it! We know you DO.



We’re English-speaking Colombians who are experts when it comes to travelling round our country. We have 100% customisable tours that take you to the real Colombia. See our trip ideas here or contact us: we’ll be pleased to discuss your plans.

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